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This Is How Sand Looks Magnified Up To 300 Times

Since we were small, we were told to compare things to a grain of sand, because comparing something to a grain of sand, meant that it was small or insignificant. But the microscopic photography done by Dr. Gary Greenberg aims to turn this stereotype on its head, since his photographs of these minuscule grains of sand, were magnified up to 300 times, to reveal that each grain of sand can be beautiful and unique.

The story told by Dr. Greenburg is a fascinating one. First up, he had invented the high definition 3D microscopes, from which he takes his pictures on, which resulted in 18 U.S. patents under his name. He was also a filmmaker and photographer, until the age of 33, when he moved to London from New York, and earned a Ph.D. in biomedical research, which seemed to have given him exceptional gratitude for biological and scientific interests, and for the optical technologies, he would need to document them.
Depending on the location in which they are found, the sand composition can vary drastically. Dr. Greenburg is located in the coastal sands in Hawaii, and is very likely the subjects of his remarkable micro-photography and the sand in his images are full of fragments from numerous tropical sea organisms, large and small. Depending on the temperature, marine environment, and surf conditions, the sand on other coasts may include a completely different set of minerals, organic matter and rocks.